Device for Measurement and Notification of Excessive Level of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields

Project start: October 2003


The overall objective of the project is to develop a remotely controlled measurement system for continuous measurement (monitoring) and notification of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation level in the frequency range up to 18GHz. Safety limits for human exposure to potentially dangerous non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation are specified by international and national norms and legislation.

The measurement system, defined in the frame of the project includes:

The system design enables the creation of a monitoring network that comprises measurements and notifications from a greater number of dislocated monitoring stations, remotely controlled by a PC. All relevant measurement parameters, data logging, and transmission, as well as the threshold level of the excessive radiation detection alarm, can be configured by the software. The responsible authorities and staff have insight into the alarm condition/status, which enables them a prompt response in case of an excessive level of non-ionizing radiation.

The device prototype is built and final functional tests have been performed. The project results have been disseminated to the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports, Ministry of Health and the City of Zagreb Office for Health.