
The Institute is not a manufacturing company, and therefore it does not contribute much to pollution, and neither it can help much in reducing emissions and carbon footprint. But our solutions help others to do so: e.g. to reduce faults, losses, breakdowns, and thus improve life, reliability and safety of operation of equipment

Products have impacts on the environment during their manufacture, use and after expiration of their life. Increased awareness of the need to protect the environment, together with requirements of applicable standards and technical regulations, motivate producers to create devices with lowest possible environmental impact. New requirements are related to e.g. reduction of exhaust gases, effluents, losses, electromagnetic emissions, use of recyclable and degradable materials etc.

The Institute implements continual and systematic activities for environmental protection in accordance with Croatian laws and regulations, and systematically monitors potentially strong environmental impacts. Environmentally friendly materials and procedures are used in the design and manufacture of our products. Constant attention is paid to rational utilisation of energy and other natural resources. Potential incidents are recognized and prevented. Awareness of employees is fostered, and they are trained for efficient environmental protection. At the same time, there is also active collaboration with local community and stakeholders on environmental protection.